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How the P.V.I Credentials Help You
Personally and Professionally Potential counselors often ask about the benefits of the training and obtaining certification or license from the N.C.C.A., and of course the primary benefit
is expanding ones knowledge. We believe that the training you receive provides a deep spiritual insight into understanding human behavior and relating to others. This knowledge is both valuable and practicable in every area of life, including your ability to help those who are hurting.
Having N.C.C.A. credentials will help ensure that you are recognized within your community as a qualified Christian/Pastoral counselor. The community can be assured that your credentials are authentic and current.
As a licensure candidate, you will learn the Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) for counseling. The A.P.S. is an easy-to-learn counseling technique used by thousands of lay counselors, professional counselors and pastors throughout the United States and in several foreign countries. The Christian counselor administers a questionnaire, which takes fewer than ten minutes for the counselee to complete. The questionnaire measures the counselee’s needs, natural traits, strengths, and weaknesses according to temperament. These are identified in the computerized Arno Profile System report, providing the counselor with in-depth information and the best way to counsel the individual. The system enables a qualified
counselor to identify the counselee’s temperament problem swiftly and accurately.