Program One- Certificate
This certification program is designed for mature Christians, Ministers and Ordained clergy without a degree. A non-refundable enrollment fee, 9 core NCCA courses, clinical supervision and completion of 25 APS assessments, written responses to 50 ethical questions posed by the NCCA Board, and a ministerial credential.
Completion of Program 1 the candidate will receive:
Certification in Temperament Therapy
Certified Pastoral Counselor for candidate without a degree
Licensed Pastoral Counselor for candidate holding a Bachelor’s Degree
Clinical Christian / Pastoral Counselor for candidate holding a Master's Degree
Clinical Christian / Pastoral Counselor - Advanced Certification - for those holding a Doctorate.
Professional Clinical Membership (clergy) in the NCCA
Arno Profile System (APS)
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very (Psalm 139:14 NKJV).”
Temperament and the Arno Profile System (A.P.S.)
A God-Inspired, Established & Innovative Counseling Technique
Counseling using Arno Profile System (APS)
Having a tested, proven method of getting started with a client replaces fear with faith. You will be equipped with a divinely-inspired tool that provides powerful, deep insights into the mind, will, and emotions of those who will seek your counsel.
Discovering the nature of a person's foundation, their temperament, provides the counselor with an understanding of how that person was designed and created by God. It is possible for the properly trained Christian Counselor to discern precisely what God had in mind when he created each of us before the world had its way with us.
Understanding the Arno Profile System (APS) and Temperament to Bring Healing
The entire purpose of counseling is to improve relationships. The whole meaning of our existence is wrapped up in our relationships with others and with God. Understanding the nature of the relationship needs of those who seek your counsel is essential to the process of healing.
Before We Are Born (Jeremiah 1:5) (Psalm 139)
The nature of how we relate to one another is built in by our Creator before we are born. A profile of our relationship needs and desires as defined in the mind, will and emotion is known as our temperament.
The fact that our temperament comes as standard equipment at birth has been verified by countless scientific experiments and confirmed by multitudes of parents. Humans come pre-designed with needs, wants, and desires at a very basic level. The "blank slate" concept has been thoroughly discredited. We know from scripture that God himself has knit us together. However, God has also equipped us with a "free will" that gives us the ability to live by our decisions rather than our nature.
Measuring the Temperament
At a fundamental level our relationship needs are quantifiable. The three areas of relationship needs that have been identified are:
Inclusion - Our need to have social relationships with friends and co-workers and our willingness to participate in this type of relationship. This is the mind.
Control - The need to influence others and our willingness to have others influence or control us. This is the will.
Affection - The need to have close personal relationships and our willingness to provide this kind of relationship to others. This is the emotions.
Arno Profile System (APS)
The Arno Profile System (APS) was develop specifically for Christian Counselors. This accurate, simple, highly effective tool enables the counselor to gather specific information about the inborn temperament of the counselee. This tool identifies a person's relationship needs. The APS enables the counselor to identify areas in which the subject is experiencing difficulty and suggest appropriate ways to meet these needs.
As a counselor trained to gather information and understand the temperament, you will have accurate, useful insight into the driving forces behind those you will be helping. When a new person seeks out your counsel, you will be able to swiftly and correctly assess their temperament. The methods offered by Prophetic Voice Institute and the NCCA will empower you to quickly understand and really help those who seek your counsel.